Patient Management
How to add a new speciallity from dashboard?
Go to dashboard, from left side. Scroll down, you can see your speciality's compositions and add a new speciality from here.
How to view case history of a patient?
From side navigation, go to your 'Patients' page. Search for the patient by name or number from the search bar and click on the patient name or select 'View Case History' from Action icon on the right. You will be directed to the details page.
How to cancel an appointment?
From side navigation, go to your 'Appointments' Search for the patient by name or number from the search bar and select 'Cancel Appointment' from more action icon on the right. On selecting the Cancel Appointment option, you can cancel patient's ...
How to upload a document in patient files? (How to edit patient details?)
Option One From side navigation, go to your 'Patients' Search for the patient by name or number from the search bar and click on the patient name or select 'View Case History' from Action icon on the right to view details. You will be directed to the ...
How to register a new patient?
From side navigation, go to 'Patients' page. Click 'Add New Patient' button to open new patient form. Fill the form by entering the required details. On filling up the required details, a new patient gets registered